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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sunny day and I always wondered why I always loved typing on the keyboard.

This is probably why, Don't mind these words on the paper. These are just the new parody song I'm composing. I might post it here but I'll be posting it on my League of legends Blog here.

 And it's oh so awesome day today.
At 9am the sun is up like 11am.
The wind is blowing cool air.

Let's get some news in here, Saturday July 30Th of 2011.
From yahoo news: No interesting news/stories today. 

Damn it.

Anyway I'll be updating something once I get my songs up I'm making them all together whenever an idea pops out. They might come all together in one post lol or one day. Whatever it may be, I hope you will like it.


  1. No offense, but your hand writing is like, really bad.

  2. yeah, ive found it funny how the general public handwriting has degraded over the last 15 years with the standardization of computers....everywhere.
    Enjoy the sun.

  3. @Shaw Non taken and Yes indeed lol.
    @ Major yes I use to have a better writing than that. because when I was a kid we use to write long ass lectures on our notebooks and literally writing every single thing on the chalk board. now I have gotten lazier to even write anything better.

  4. My handwriting is scrappy too haha. I kinda wish it was better though

  5. You're good with words. Keep it up!

  6. It's still better than my hadwriting...
